TranGuard Anti-Spam Policy

TranGuard Systems LLC has a strict policy against the sending of spam. We watch our systems for signs of spamming, and have provisions for recording and tracking complaints about such usage. Customers and users that appear to be using parts of the TranGuard platform for as part of a spam-sending campaign will be investigated, and we will take appropriate measures to stop it. If TranGuard finds indications of spam generation from within our system or signs of it being relayed through our systems, we will act to resolve the situation. Please report information about such abuse to

So, What Is Spam?

As it relates to our policies, we define it as the sending of UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email), Unsolicited FAXes, and UBE (Unsolicited Bulk Email). Unsolicited refers to communications sent to recipients as advertising or otherwise without first obtaining the recipient’s confirmed permission to send such messages. Such messages are not limited to, but can include:

1) Email Messages
2) Social Media, Forum, Blog, Comment, and Newsgroup Postings
3) Server/System/OS-Level Messages
4) Pop-Up “Adware” Style Messages
5) Instant Messages via Popular Systems Like AOL’s AIM, or Facebook Chat, etc.
6) Chat Room Advertisements
7) FAX Solicitations

What’s Allowed, and What’s Not

We do not allow our platforms to be used for the purposes described above. In order to use our products and services, you must not only abide by all applicable laws and regulations, which include the Can-Spam Act of 2003 and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, but you must also abide by TranGuard’s no spam policies. Commercial advertising and/or bulk emails or faxes may only be sent to recipients who have already specifically “opted-in” to receive messages from the sender. They must include a legitimate return address and reply-to address, the sender’s physical address, and an opt-out method in the footer of the email or fax. Upon request by TranGuard, valid proof of the recipient’s opt-in may be required for an email address or fax number.

Our Actions

If TranGuard determines the services in question are being used in association with spam, TranGuard will re-direct, suspend, or cancel any web site hosting, domain registration, email boxes or other applicable services for a period of no less than two (2) days. The registrant or customer will be required to respond by email to TranGuard stating that they will cease to send spam and/or have spam sent by others on their behalf. TranGuard will require a non-refundable reactivation fee to be paid before the site, email boxes and/or services are reactivated. In the event TranGuard determines the abuse has not stopped after services have been restored the first time, TranGuard may terminate the platform services associated with domain name in question. To Report Spam Abuse: We encourage all customers and recipients of email generated from our systems and services to report suspected spam. Suspected abuse can be reported by email via

TranGuard Is Serious About This Stuff

Our mission is to promote the safety and reliability of our clients’ online activities, and we want to help them and their customers to understand and report spam when they see it. Phishing attempts, identity theft scams, and millions of wasted man-hours can be tied back to the actions of spammers. Few things get us more fired up than suspecting that someone using our systems might be part of the problem – and we act accordingly.

Revised 2/28/2017
TranGuard Systems LLC